Monday, March 31, 2008

Here is what I am up to!

This is my newest hobby. Saving lots of money on stuff that you have to have, like food and personal items. My cousin, Micah, is the one who got me onto this. She had this link on her blog Money Saving Mom and I tried it out. I am now addicted! This wonderful lady has helped us to save over a thousand dollars already this year just on food and personal items. It is time consuming, but the girls and I really don't go anywhere, so I have the time to work on it. So here are a few of my most recent deals! Oh, and thanks Micah if I haven't already told you!

This was my CVS trip. There were actually quite a few of them, but very much worth it. See this link to see how it works.

Here's what I got:

5 playschool brand wipes 240ct each

1 old spice body wash

3 Johnson's bath buddies soaps

1cvs brand bathroom wipes (to fill in to reach a certain $ amount)

5 Nivea men's shaving gel

1 clear care solution

2 crest kids toothbrushes

1 glide dental floss

Total $20.17

But I got back $23.00 in ECB's (see cvs101) So I actually made money on this and didn't spend any money out of my pocket, because I have transferred I prescriptions and have been given over $100.00 in gift cards to cvs! These items would have cost close to $80.00 before coupons, in store sales, and ecbs! (I will try to do better with this next week to show you what coupons I used.)

This was my Rite Aid trip. Here's what I got:

2 Aquafresh toothpaste
1 Excedrin 100ct
3 dawn dish soaps
2 Loreal kids shampoo

Total : $30.22 (without tax)
In store sales: $12.58
Coupons used: $12.50
Total out of pocket: $6.20 (this is with tax, for those accountants out there)

(I also paid nothing out of pocket here transferred Rx here too)

Last stop Walmart! This was probably the best deal:

9 Dinobites
3 Honey bunches of oats cereal
1 Suave lotion
1 fresh garlic (I just needed this)
1 Easter bubbles (for the girls)

Total: $17.42
Coupons used $16.00
Grand total out of pocket: $1.42

So see if you will put the time into it, it is well worth it! (and it is kinda fun for some of us!)

Jenna and clothes

I go into the girls room every night before going to bed to check on them. On Saturday night I went in and this was what I found.

A pair of jammies laying on the floor. The ones that Jenna went to bed wearing.....

One more step into the room, another pair of jammies......

and here is the culprit! Jenna had changed her pj's not once, but twice! This little girl is a mess. She does this all the time, but I finally took a picture so that everyone could see the proof! She is a clothes freak! As soon as we get home from somewhere she instantly takes her clothes off and changes. I think on average she changes clothes about 5 times a day, maybe more! She is out of control! I hope that this too shall pass...........(right Mammy?)

Happy Easter........

Hope all had a Happy Easter. The girls had a lot of fun getting to eat candy ALL DAY! That is a nightmare. I think that they had more candy in this one day than they have had their whole lives! I guess that they come by the honest!

It was so cold here that they girls just wore a dress that they had this winter. I didn't make it to get new shoes and they needed them badly! They are growing like weeds. So needless to say Mike and I did not even remember to take a picture of them dressed up. They were no more dressed up than any other Sunday, so it didn't matter! Here are just a few pictures. They are totally out of order (which drives me crazy, but it is 5:00 AM and my mind is not working right just yet!)

This is me with Mike's brother's wife, Stephanie, his brother Brent, and sister Kara. Yes, for those of you who are noticing something different I have to wear glasses now. Not to mention that the new haircut is terrible! I look about 10 years older. (mike already told me!)
Jenna found this one all by herself.

Lindsey smiles for the camera

Now Lindsey shows off for the camera

This was first thing in the morning when the candy eating began.....

Not a morning person (not really, they both are more like me in that aspect. I am much more of a morning person than Mike is! )
These were the new panties that Jenna requested.
This was the very first pic I got. They were pretty excited.
This was on Saturday night. We stayed home (as normal) and colored Easter eggs.
The girls did it all by themselves this year.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Snow & Hot Chocolate (of course!)

Here they are. The big snow bunnies. Momma decided to stay inside this time. Daddy and the girls went out for just a little bit. Lindsey would have stayed out all day if we could have let her. Too bad they both got SO sick from being out in it. They both ended up on a steroid along with antibiotics and breathing treatments every 4 hours. Asthma really stinks! This was the worst result they have gotten up to now. We really did not truly believe that they had asthma until after that. Hopefully they will grow out of it!

Daddy and his girls. Can you tell that Jenna is having a blast? NOT! She does not like it much.
Going for a ride. I don't know if you can see in the background our elderly neighbor. She is just watching the girls out of her door. She is a real sweetheart.

Jenna decided to come on in and help Momma make the hot chocolate.

The best part of hot chocolate......MARSHMALLOWS!
Jenna enjoys her creation!

Fun in the snow at Mammy & Pop's

Here we are going to Pop and Mammy's house. We all loaded up in the Mystery Machine, the Explorer really. My Sister Jen and my Niece Maggie are in the first picture here. They live right up the street, so we just all went over together to play in the snow.

OK, in this picture I can honestly say that the girls do kinda look alike......

What a pretty sight. Wish it would have come in December rather than MARCH!!! Total I think that we got about 10 - 12 inches! That is quite a bit for here.

Cousin Maggie stops playing to pose for a quick pic!

Yes this is a really big snow drift that the girls were sitting up against!

.....and now Daddy sits up next to it. This drift was at least 3 feet deep I think!

Just along for the ride!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The girls loved Chuck!

On Wednesday night after we got home from church we asked the girls if they would want to go do something fun the next day. (Mike was able to take a couple days off while we had the BIG snow storm, as I would never venture to a place such as this alone with 2 almost 3 year olds!) So of course they both got really excited and said that they wanted a clue because this was a mystery. So I knew if we told them, "it's where a kid can be a kid" that Lindsey would guess it right away. They have seen this on tv and now know about it. Well sure enough Lindsey got it as soon as we got it out of our mouths. They were SO excited. We ended up going at lunch time and I think we stayed for about 3 hours. Mike and I were more worn out than they were. Wouldn't it be great to have half of the energy these little kids have! So here are a few pics from our big day out..........(the girls and I never leave the really, I mean never!)

Shootin' hoops. They actually hit a few!

It is unreal to think that in a couple years they will be going to school : (

Jenna the builder

Lindsey and her one-eye-wink....

Momma and her crazy hair!

Lindsey rode this jet ski by herself. She did not fall off at all. We are ready for the lake this year Uncle Craig!

Playing air hockey together. Lindsey scored a couple on Jenna!

Monday, March 10, 2008

She really does have a face!

Jenna has so much hair. Her hair is very thick as is mine, but her hair grows sooooo fast. This past week we decided to get it cut off. I say we but really it was me. Mike has finally come around to my way of thinking on this and he told me last night that he likes it!! Jenna looks so much better. Before she looked like a little mouse. You could barely even see her face. So here are the before and after pictures.........

This is Lindsey giving her one-eye-wink. Yes that is what we call it, and yes she really can do it! What can I say she comes from really good stock! (haha, just kidding!)