Thursday, March 08, 2007

Sisterly Love...........

These pictures say it all. We are so blessed with these two very precious little girls!!!!

Ketchup bath.............

Last night at dinner the girls decided to take a bath in ketchup! What a big mess we had on our hands!

Jenna was taking her hands and just rubbing it in like lotion!

Lindsey is not as messy when eating. She wants to make sure that it all goes into her mouth!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Our sweet little girls.......

So, the girls are growing up way too fast...........I just wanted to let all know some of the sweet things they have learned to do:

Jenna Rae: Loves to dip all of her food. It does not matter what it is, she has to dip.......and if you don't give her dip she continues to let you know that she still needs her DIP!

She loves the Wiggles, Elmo and Bambi.........if she wants to watch something she will say: Watch Wiggles........and so on with all of her favorites.

When watching the Wiggles they have a song called Rolling down the sand hills. Both of the girls get down on the floor and begin to roll on the ground. Then when the part comes to run back up the sand hills Lindsey gets up and runs very quickly in place. It is so funny. I think that we are going to send it in to America's Funniest Home Video's................

If Jenna needs to go potty she will take all of her clothes off. This is not the way I envisioned potty training. But you learn to do whatever works.

Lindsey Ann: Also loves to dip everything that goes into her mouth as well. She also lets you know if you forgot dip. Tonight they dipped mac & cheese in ketchup! Yuck!!

She also loves to watch the Wiggles, Elmo and Bambi. We have dvd's in the car and this is the first thing that Lindsey says when we get in "Watch Wiggles"........It drives me crazy. I don't understand why we have to watch TV in the car. We didn't have a tv in our car when we were kids and we all made it.

She also loves to WRITE. This is her most favorite thing to do. From first thing in the morning until bedtime she constantly is asking to write. We are sure she is the next GREAT novelist.

Lindsey has a tendency to get things (words) on the brain, and doesn't stop until she gets what she wants. One of her most classic is when she calls for Mammy & Pop and Auntie & Uncle. I think that she is currently IN LOVE with Uncle Perry. She will repeat his name 30 times or more before stopping!

Both of the girls love to be hugged and kissed. They will run up to me during the day and say Hug or Kiss and then we have to Hug and Kiss. It is!

Lindsey loves the Bible story books that Aunt Claudia & family gave us at our baby shower. She loves the story about Zaccheus. Lindsey cannot say Z's yet. So therefore she goes around the house singing the Zaccheus song. She holds her hands up doing the motions. It is so cute. It makes me think that they really do learn what we teach them.

These are just a few things...........I'm sure there are many other things that they do that I am forgetting, but this Momma's mind forgets lots these days!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Wiggles......again.....

The girls LOVE The Wiggles.........The Wiggles came to Freedom Hall, so of course we had to go! Mammy and Pop went with us. The girls haven't stopped talking about it yet. They love it!

Momma's favorite Wiggle.....Anthony!

Pop has been sick and he wasn't feeling the greatest.....

Thank goodness Mammy and Pop went because I don't know where the girls would have sat!

We took roses to give to Dorothy.

Friday, March 02, 2007

The Circus.....

I am really far behind...........So get ready! Mike took the girls to the circus about a month ago! They had a good time. Daddy lets them do the fun stuff.......(ride on elephants!) Here's a few pics from the Circus........

Jenna didn't really like the clown.....

Wow that is a big elephant....

Daddy and his two little girls