Friday, June 29, 2007


This is just a venting session for me!!! Does anyone else out there have problems with nap time? At our house everyday both girls end up getting in loads of trouble. They always want to sleep together, but if I let them they both end up getting in trouble. This goes on for at least an hour every single day. It is so frustrating. I stick with what I say, but it just does not seem to work. Both of them today have gotten a spanking. It has been 45 minutes since I put them down and neither is asleep! What a terrible time of day at our house everyday!!!!! As my Mom says this too will pass.................Comments and suggestions gladly welcome!

Thursday, June 28, 2007


We have finally gotten there with one! Jenna is now potty trained. It really didn't take that long once I just stuck with it. She has not had a diaper on in 3 weeks! She even sleeps in her big girls panties. Hopefully Lindsey (who has no desire) will come around soon.......

Her Elmo panties!!!

Sleepy girls............
P.S. Lindsey told us last night while we were at church that she needed to go PEE PEE. I took her and SHE DID IT!!! Hopefully it won't be long........

Monday, June 25, 2007

Total submersion

Both of the girls love to take a bath. I let them stay in the tub forever.......Last night Lindsey laid down in the water and started staying "take me picture Momma" I had to run to get the camera. Here is the edited version.

What a cute smile....
This is what I call total submersion!!!

Daddy we really need a much bigger bathtub!!!

Prissy little girl !!!

These are just a couple of really cute pictures. Jenna has to have her purse pretty much everywhere that we go. Here she is posing for a picture. They are both BIG HAMS !!!

As you can tell Lindsey loves to eat. Cake is one of her most favorite things to eat.........


Mike and I finally got a new bed! We needed it very badly (at least our backs did!).......Here are a few really sweet pictures of the girls having fun jumping on the old mattress. They are such showoffs.

Little sister love....

Lindsey loves to flip.....

Big Smiles!!!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Fun at Uncle Craig's lake house.......

The weekend of Memorial Day, my whole family went down to the lake to my brother's lake house. We had a lot of fun. The only problem is that Jenna hates the water. The only water she like is the bath or her kiddie pool. This caused a minor problem on the boat. She wanted to be held pretty much the whole time. Lindsey on the other hand loves the water. There were a few times I thought she would just jump in!!! She even rode the tubing with Daddy. Prepare for picture overload!!! Enjoy : )

The night we got there. Very Late !!! (with wound up kids)

Girls after Mammy's own heart...Cake at 11:00 PM!!!

Silly girls.........

Jenna helps Mammy cook.

Sweet picture huh.....

Driving Craig's fishing boat, but we are not going anywhere!

Jenna takes control like always. She is the dominant twin in my opinion.


An early morning walk in the woods.

Maggie and Emily

Maggie and Jen

Jenna helps Pop drive.

Craig, Shannon, Jacob & Emy

Jenna held Mammy pretty much the whole time out on the lake.

Just thought this was a sweet picture


The girls......all but Jenna.

Lindsey helping Craig drive. I think that she has candy in her mouth. (and yes she has a terrible under bite) : (

I love this picture of Jenna

This is what Jenna did when she wasn't holding Mammy or Momma!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Happy Birthday.........

So prepare for a whole lot of pictures. The girls turned two on May 12, and we had about 30 family members over. We all had a very good time. We just grilled out, played cornhole, and chased lots of kids around.

Mike and I decided the girls needed a swing set. We went to get one and ended up spending more than we thought we would, but we wanted to get an age appropriate one. It turned out to be a major fiasco. But long story got here that day, and Mike was able to get it together rather quickly. Hey and we even got a 100.00 gift card from Walmart out of it! They sold us a swing set that did not go together, and then couldn't find the right one to exchange. Walmart ended up making 2 trips to our house in one day. How's that for customer service?! (for those of you unaware we live about 30 minutes from civilization.....!) So anyway.....the girls love their swing set. Here's a few pictures. Beware some are really cute!!!

Here we are opening some of our birthday cards we got in the mail.

Uncle Donnie & Aunt Brenda sent us money!!!

The girls went up to Jen's house and got into makeup. How do they look? You should have seen Jen's carpet! Luckily she got it all up.....

I think that these next 2 pics are the sweetest....

The girls playing in their new sandbox-water fun center.....

Cornhole anyone?

The swing set before dad got it all the way together.....

Here they are opening a few gifts. I even let them just save a few for the next day. They tuckered out on us.

CAKE.....Lindsey's favorite!

A few of our guests....

What happens when you try to take a picture with 11 kids? No one looks at the camera when they should, and others just cry!

Later that night.......................