Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Time to Potty Train?

So we have been working here and there with potty training the girls. Up to this point Jenna has done very well. She will poop on the potty almost every single time. So I thought OK, this will go real smooth once we are ready. Boy was I wrong. The time has now come that it is now an urgent matter to address. Jenna takes her diaper off each time she does anything in it. This was what I found Saturday when I went it to check on them while they were suppossed to be taking a nap............

Jenna had taken ALL of her clothes off, and had tossed her poop into her sister's bed.

A closer look for all of you..........................Can you see the brown on the white bed? Yeah that is really what you think it is. They ground it into the rail!

Not only was Jenna guilty, she decided to include her sister.........These are Lindsey hands.......

Lindsey's bed got the worst of it............

Jenna on the way to the tub.................................Covered in POOP!

So needless to say this is us now. It is not much fun either! Yesterday we had accidents all the way up until Daddy got home. Then she decided she would pee pee on the potty. That is what we are having problems with now...........Please wish us LUCK !!!!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007


I'm sure most kids are like this, but boy it drives me crazy! The girls are such daredevils. They have no fear of anything. They climb on everything. The other day I was getting dinner ready. Lindsey pulled a chair over to the sink and started splashing bubbles everywhere. Jenna then decided that looked like fun. The only difference was that she wanted to get in the sink. So yes.......I had a mess on my hands!

These pictures show one of our new discoveries. The girls like to climb up on this leapfrog table and then up on to the end table and then jump, climb, or fall over to the couch! Can we all say together.......DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN !! Oh well what is wrong with a little blood shed...Right? As long as it doesn't require hospitalzation we can handle it! (I guess)

Wall Art

All I can say is thank goodness for erasable crayons! The girls sometimes get a little excited and write on the wall. It has only happened 2 times. Hopefully no more ! We had to have timeout from the crayons...............

Rag Muffin.......

Jenna is such a rag muffin. Her hair is always messed up. She will not leave her ponytail up. If she does then Lindsey pulls it out!

Just a sweet picture with Daddy......

The Dollar Spot

So anyone who shops at Target knows that the dollar spot will get you every time! I had to have Mike stop at Target Pharmacy to pick up Jenna and Lindsey's breathing treatment medicine. He comes home a victim of THE DOLLAR SPOT !! He bought the girls these...........

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sweet little girls.....

Both Jenna & Lindsey love to snuggle and cuddle. Here are a few sweet pics of them doing so!

Our first Pedi!

Of course the day I painted my nails the girls noticed. Lindsey was just beside herself, and wanted hers to look the same as Momma's. So......I painted 20 toes and 20 fingers! This is when it gets REAL FUN ! So here we are!

Lindsey sat as still as could be the whole time. Jenna on the other hand was a different story!

Look at all those pretty toes!

Lindsey liked showing off the finished product!

A Christmas to remember......

The girls had a very big Christmas. Correct me if I am wrong but it seems to Mike and I that it just gets better every year! This is so much fun! Mike and I didn't really buy the girls much, but everyone else did. They got so many cool toys that we have no where to put them! Here are a few pics from the big weekend!

I love you Sister!

Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Brent got this for the girls. They are already doing stunts on it!
Jenna loves babies. She just wants to kiss all over them. This is cousin Emily Jean.

Aunt Stephanie also got this ball pit for the girls. The three of them had so much fun!
This was Christmas morning. Santa brought the girls a wiggles tent and lots of fun stuff.