Thursday, August 24, 2006

First Haircuts....................

Yesterday I took the girls for thier very first haircut. This was the first time that it sunk in that they are growing up so fast. Mama almost cried........I can't believe how fast they really do grow up. I am so blessed to have been able to stay home with them. I will always cherish these times even though some days I am ready to pull my hair out!

Jenna was overdue for a haircut!

Both girls sat there so still and didn't make a peep! They were little angels.....

Lindsey really doesn't have much hair at all but she got it trimmed up!

Mama this woman is pointing sissors at me!

She sat so still.....such good little babies.....FOR NOW!

Mr Bubbles..........

Do you think that my girls know what the breathing machine is or what? We have had to give them treatments the past week and I still had it setting out........After lunch Lindsey got down and went right over to the machine, piched it up and put it right on her face! It was pretty funny. Jenna then copied........we have learned that with twins it is Monkey See Monkey Do!

A Day at the State Fair

Mike and I took the girls to the State Fair on Monday. The girls didn't get to see as many animals as we thought they would, but the cows are really all they care about anyway.......

Lindsey has to wear her beads everywhere.......

Jenna gets to pet the one goat that was there...

The girls were a little overwelmed with this very large cow that came right up to us.........

Lindsey doesn't like the she really didn't like this extra large dairy cow!

Perfect distance for Lindsey but Jenna was ready to go get it!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Day Filled With POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So first thing this morning I go to get the girls out of the bed and...........................guess what Mamma we have a prize for you! They had somehow gotten Jenna's diaper off and best of all she had pooped! Lindsey was holding it in her hand playing with it..........YUK! So first things first get the turd away and get Lindsey to bathroom to get washed up......Then we get sister a diaper back on because she is in the nude it the bed. Next wash Jenna up......Eat breakfast......take a bath because we are covered in donuts! Play in the tub for a while..... Mamma gets Jenna out and puts diaper on....Go get Sis and guess what I have for you Mamma.....Poop.........and lots of it. To say the least it has been a day filled with Poop........Still a lot more day left to go!

Friday, August 18, 2006


The girls both really like oreos.......They come by it honest....So does thier daddy!

We went straight to the bath tub after this......

Lindsey got a little bit more in her mouth than her sister!!!

Tooooooo Cute!!!!

A Trip to the Lake.........

Mike had to go to Nolin Lake to start plumbing a house. We knew he would be there for a few days so the girls and I decided to tag along. We know some very kind people who let us use thier lake house.........It was very nice to get away from our house for a few days. Here's a few pics of the girls at the Lake.......

Mamma worked on our scrapbooks a little, but Jenna really wanted to help.

This was one way mamma trapped us from going up one of the many flights of stairs!

Both of the girls loved this bear......

Lindsey gave the bear lots of hugs!

Mamma took a whole basket filled with toys.......

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

BIG RED................

Jenna was just an innocent bystander!


Yesterday I was working.......The girls woke up and I had blocked off most of the house but was letting them wonder around just a little bit more than usual. So I had not heard Lindsey for a few minuets and thought I should see what she was doing............She has gotten my big red that I left sitting out on the table, and had carried it all thru the house! Luckily when she went to get a drink it went all down her shirt....but no where else!!!!! WHOO boy did I get lucky!

Our Sunday Best!!!!!

Mammy bought the girls this dress a while back and I forgot about it.........It looked so sweet.....They even left the dewrag on.........How sweet!

Fun at the park..........

Jenna wasn't sure about this ice cream thing!

Lindsey had no problems with it!!!

We took the girls to the park this weekend. I think they are starting to feel better! The ice cream truck came while we were there so we got to get a treat!!!!