Monday, December 01, 2008

Catching up.......

I will try to finish catching up sometime this week, I PROMISE!! : )

Gulf Shores, AL

Lots of pics.......We took the girls to Gulf Shores at the last minute. When you are self employed that's how it works! We had a great time, but needed a vacation by the time we got home. (mike & I )!! These two little girls love the water and were a handful!!


The girls are growing up so fast. It was past time to get out of the toddler beds. They were falling out every night almost, and just were not getting good rest. we decided to go on and redo the room while we were at it. Due to allergies and the dog we decided to rip the carpet up and install wood floors. (well fake wood floors) So here it is........PINK!!!

They were so excited!

Big helpers

Our house during this time was an absolute disaster zone!!

This was my contribution. The organization of the closet. I love it all! Mike did a wonderful job...

The new "ladder beds"

I was a little nervous at first, and it took us nearly a month to find the right bunk beds. Now we love them!

Summer Camp

The girls were able to go to Summer Camp this year where they go to Preschool. This was the first day that they went. It was very hard for me. Of course I cried, then I got over it! The girls loved it and it is unreal how much you can get done in just 3 hours........


The girls love to paint their nails. This needs to take place outdoors!!! They make a really BIG mess......

Mammy turned 60!

My Mom turned 60 this year and we pulled off a surprise birthday party at Auntie and Uncle's house. Somehow we pulled it off! Elvis even made an appearance! Oh- and we had 60 pink flamingos in the front yard!!!