Monday, June 04, 2007

Fun at Uncle Craig's lake house.......

The weekend of Memorial Day, my whole family went down to the lake to my brother's lake house. We had a lot of fun. The only problem is that Jenna hates the water. The only water she like is the bath or her kiddie pool. This caused a minor problem on the boat. She wanted to be held pretty much the whole time. Lindsey on the other hand loves the water. There were a few times I thought she would just jump in!!! She even rode the tubing with Daddy. Prepare for picture overload!!! Enjoy : )

The night we got there. Very Late !!! (with wound up kids)

Girls after Mammy's own heart...Cake at 11:00 PM!!!

Silly girls.........

Jenna helps Mammy cook.

Sweet picture huh.....

Driving Craig's fishing boat, but we are not going anywhere!

Jenna takes control like always. She is the dominant twin in my opinion.


An early morning walk in the woods.

Maggie and Emily

Maggie and Jen

Jenna helps Pop drive.

Craig, Shannon, Jacob & Emy

Jenna held Mammy pretty much the whole time out on the lake.

Just thought this was a sweet picture


The girls......all but Jenna.

Lindsey helping Craig drive. I think that she has candy in her mouth. (and yes she has a terrible under bite) : (

I love this picture of Jenna

This is what Jenna did when she wasn't holding Mammy or Momma!

1 comment:

Micah said...

This looks like too much fun! I'm so jealous!!! I also think that I've seen the girls unmatching for the first time ever - their p.j.'s :). Don't you think Jenna really looks like Kate in the pic I just posted of her in the stairstep basket?