Friday, June 29, 2007


This is just a venting session for me!!! Does anyone else out there have problems with nap time? At our house everyday both girls end up getting in loads of trouble. They always want to sleep together, but if I let them they both end up getting in trouble. This goes on for at least an hour every single day. It is so frustrating. I stick with what I say, but it just does not seem to work. Both of them today have gotten a spanking. It has been 45 minutes since I put them down and neither is asleep! What a terrible time of day at our house everyday!!!!! As my Mom says this too will pass.................Comments and suggestions gladly welcome!


The Wadlington's said...

Have you tried bribes, umm, I mean "positive reinforcement". Like a special snack after nap or a stamp on the hand. You could also try the nap chart. They'll get a sticker next to their name if they nap good. After about 4-5 stickers they get a "special" prize. It worked for Claudia at bedtime. Good luck!

Anne said...

One day, all will be quiet.

I wish I could help. Not sure I have good advice for twins.