Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The girls are loving Christmas this year. They got to put a tree up in their room this year. How cool!
My Mom, my Sister, and Myself all went out shopping on B.F. We left my house at 2:30 that morning. Jennifer and I had our lists totally prepared. We were in line at Kohl's at 3:00. I was the first person in the toy department! WooHoo....... We found so many great deals and it was really a lot of fun. Mike reminded me a few days later that I got to go shopping for 12 hours. We did not return home until 2:30 that afternoon. To top it all off Mike had put our tree up, minus the ornaments. Wow, what a productive day!
Later that Night Mike put the lights up on the house. This was the trip we all took outside to turn them on. I felt like the Griswalds! He did a wonderful job. It looks so pretty. I will post pictures of that later. The camera is dead........

1 comment:

Micah said...

These are SO good!! I also LOVED the girls chicken outfits this year! That was TOO cute! Thanks for sending me pictures! We went shopping after T-day too, and got some really great deals! Kohl's had some awesome deals!