Thursday, April 26, 2007

Update on Jenna.....

For those of you who are wondering Jenna is doing very well. The Dr. was very pleased with how the skin grafts took. We go back to him on Monday. The area on her groins seems to be doing fine also. The grafting sites look worse to me than her hands. I was not expecting those scars to be as big as they are. All in all we are all doing well! Continue to pray for us. For those who are wondering what her hands look like I am posting a picture. This is what they look like now. We didn't take any pictures before, but trust me they look a million times better!!!!

You can see on both hands where they got caught. Her right hand was worse. They look great!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Jenna's first accident

I think most everyone knows by now about Jenna's big accident with the treadmill. I just wanted to post a few pics so everyone could see her boo boos. She had about 6 total if you include two IV's and her two skin graft sites on her groin. She is doing well we think and hopefully will recover 100 %. We go back to see Dr. Gupta on Thursday. Please keep us all in your prayers as this is a very hard time for us.

I think here she was dancing. You can not stop her!

Just resting for a few minutes........

Sister was very glad for all of us to be home.

What a trooper she is............!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all. We did not really get a great picture of the girls in their dress. It is really no big deal to me anyway, since we dress up every Sunday, but we still of course make a big deal out of it. Like getting to eat candy for breakfast! So here they are..........

Jenna loves to pose for the camera..........

Here they are eating candy.....first thing in the morning......Nothing that their Momma hasn't done before!

Coloring Easter Eggs.......

The girls and I colored Easter eggs on Friday. Needless to say it was a little messy. They sure did have fun. What a mess..................

Silly faces......

Here is the finished product. Most of the eggs got cracked.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

The bitty baby............

Jenna loves to climb into this baby doll pack & play. Aren't these some of the sweetest pics!

Rock & Roll

I know I have indicated in the past that Lindsey loves to have fun..........This shows a little more of her fun personality. Not that Jenna doesn't like to have fun, but Lindsey is all about it at all times! She will love to ride roller coasters! Mike is just sure of it.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Fun in the sun....or not!

We went to Panama City Beach a few weeks ago. The weather this time of year there is not always the greatest, and of course for us it was too cold! We were able to take the girls down to the beach for about 3 hours total. We took Mike's Sister with us to help with the girls. We left Louisville at about 7:00 pm and drove until Lindsey started crying out in her sleep " I stuck, don't like it!" Well Momma got the point and told Daddy real quick to find a hotel! We made it most of the way that night. Of course during the transfer to the room the girls woke up. That had fun jumping on the beds in the hotel. All in all it was nice to get away, but once again we said we will never go to the beach this time of year again! Here's a few pics from the trip.......

Jenna had been eating cookies! Can you tell?

Jumping on the bed!

The 4 of us really did pile into 1 bed! Momma got NO sleep.........Keep in mind the girls NEVER sleep with us!

Lindsey loved the tissue holder in the vanity!

We were on the 14th floor of our condo. The girls loved it!

Aunt Kara paints the girls toenails........

Momma paints Jenna's toenails

Daddy and Lindsey acting silly.......

What a pretty sunset

Not the best picture but it's all I got!

Big Girl Beds.............

Okay, so I am really far behind. This is an attempt to catch up. Hopefully the girls will stay asleep and I will get done!
Lots of cool stuff has happened since our last post. One major thing was getting big girl beds! The girls were climbing in and out of their cribs, so we decided that it would be best if we took them down! They are doing really well in the new beds. At nap time I have to put up pack-&-plays because they climb in and out if they are in the same room. So nap time the girls get separated. One in our room, and the other in their room. This seems to be working well! At night the girls go climb into their own bed and we don't hear another peep until the next morning. It is so much fun having two little babies the same exact age. In the morning when one wakes up they will usually wake the other up. Sometimes we will hear them open the bedroom door and then they come climb into our bed. But 9 times out of 10 they just lay in there together and talk to each other until I go in to get them. The very first thing that they always say is "I want something to eat". They are both talking very well. They are putting sentences together like crazy. One thing is for sure they grow up WAY TOO FAST!

So all you guys out there who have to put stuff together should be thankful that you only have to put together one of everything. Poor Mike has to do 2 of everything!

Here we are our first night in our new beds.....

So far this has only happened 2 times.........Jenna fell out of the bed and was sleeping like this! This was in the middle of the night (well their night, they go to bed at 7:30). No we did not turn the light on, that was just the flash!