Friday, April 06, 2007

Big Girl Beds.............

Okay, so I am really far behind. This is an attempt to catch up. Hopefully the girls will stay asleep and I will get done!
Lots of cool stuff has happened since our last post. One major thing was getting big girl beds! The girls were climbing in and out of their cribs, so we decided that it would be best if we took them down! They are doing really well in the new beds. At nap time I have to put up pack-&-plays because they climb in and out if they are in the same room. So nap time the girls get separated. One in our room, and the other in their room. This seems to be working well! At night the girls go climb into their own bed and we don't hear another peep until the next morning. It is so much fun having two little babies the same exact age. In the morning when one wakes up they will usually wake the other up. Sometimes we will hear them open the bedroom door and then they come climb into our bed. But 9 times out of 10 they just lay in there together and talk to each other until I go in to get them. The very first thing that they always say is "I want something to eat". They are both talking very well. They are putting sentences together like crazy. One thing is for sure they grow up WAY TOO FAST!

So all you guys out there who have to put stuff together should be thankful that you only have to put together one of everything. Poor Mike has to do 2 of everything!

Here we are our first night in our new beds.....

So far this has only happened 2 times.........Jenna fell out of the bed and was sleeping like this! This was in the middle of the night (well their night, they go to bed at 7:30). No we did not turn the light on, that was just the flash!

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