Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Christmas at Mammy & Pop's

On Christmas day we always go to Mammy & Pop's house. As always we all got WAY TOO MUCH! We had a great time........Here are a few pics......

Jenna needed to go potty, decided to wipe herself....with the whole roll of t.p.!
Cousin Emily showing off her High School Musical DVD

Jenna with her new baby that Mammy got for her. These girls love their babies! Jenna usually thinks that she has to have two at a time. I don't know why she would think that!

Lindsey with her new baby......

What's in the box?

Cousin Maggie strikes a pose for the camera.....

Mammy & Pop got all the girls these matching jammies. Aren't they so cute....

For Christmas the girls made this clock for Mammy.

Lindsey and Jenna were so worn out when we left, that they did not even make it home before going to sleep. We only live 2 miles away!

1 comment:

Candace said...

The girls look so much alike in the pictures of them asleep in the car seats!!! Hope y'all have an awesome year!
