Sunday, November 04, 2007


It has been very busy at our house, so I will try to catch everyone up very quickly without lots of pics............
1. I am not working 2 days a week anymore. I decided that it was just too much to try to do, and Mike didn't care either way.....
2. Both girls have been potty trained for a good month to two months........WOO HOO !!!
3. Lindsey had not slept for about a month all through the night. She had a chronic ear infection for three solid weeks. We put tubes in last Monday and we are sleeping all night again! Thank goodness!!!! (oh and the ear infection is gone too!)
4. The girls are starting to really put their heads together and get into lots of trouble. A few weeks ago they dumped a milkshake and a sprite, mixed it all together, took their clothes off and were playing slip n slide in it on the hardwood floors. This was very interesting. Where was Momma you ask...In the office doing a W-9 for the business so we could get paid from someone. This all took place in less than 10 minutes tops! For those of you wondering what I did ( I was home by myself with them) no they didn't get a spanking or timeout. Sorry to admit it but I just laughed. It would have done no good to get huffy and puffy about the situation, because technically it was my fault for not paying better attention. Never mind the fact that the W-9 needed to be done in order to put food on the table! The girls had to go directly into the bathtub, while I called in reinforcements to help clean the the milkshake and sprite mixture (very sticky) off of the walls and floor basically all the way through the house because they were getting a really good running start. The area rug in the living room also had to be taken off of the premises. Pretty funny HUH!? This is just one of the joys of being a mother of twins. I am just waiting until the open the fridge and get the eggs out. I have been told stories of children throwing the eggs at each other. If that happens I will be sure to take pictures.........

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