Friday, August 24, 2007

Do you have plumbing problems????

This is what you get when you think that each other has the kids! Yes Jenna is professing to be a plumber already...........We even tried to flush it with her in it. She could care less. Didn't bother her..........The girls are both literally into everything : ).........


Micah said...

OH MY COW!!!! I cannot even believe that!! That is hysterical! "you might live with a plumber if..."

Micah said...

You must have missed my last post!! Brad went up to Indy to interview the weekend after the reunion. He had 5 interviews between Thur and Fri, got two offers on Monday, and took a job on Tuesday! We're moving in two weeks!!! Our house still hasn't sold, but we're going to stay with some friends there who have a finished basement with a kitchen and bedroom until it sells... Hopefully that will go well :)