Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy Halloween!

First Stop: Mammy and Pop's House.......Twinkies, M&M's, Hershy's and who knows what else! The girls had a really good time after we got some food into their bellies! They were so hungry Momma & Daddy broke all the rules! McDonalds Mighty Meal......Jenna ate three chicken nuggets herself and fries to boot! Lindsey was not far behind!

We had lots of stops to make. My Grandparents, Aunt Michelle's, Dr. Walkers, Nana's, and Auntie and Uncles House! There were more but we didn't make it to them............oh well, there's next year. We got so much candy Lindsey thinks that we should eat it for breakfast! She must take after her Momma! I had to hide it!

At Mammy's House.......

At Nana's House.......

At Auntie and Uncle's House........

1 comment:

Micah said...

YES! I have noticed that Jenna and Kate look alike! The girls looked so cute in their outfits :).